75 Fun Ways to Practice and Learn Spelling Words

Found this web http://www.momto2poshlildivas.com/2012/10/75-fun-ways-to-practice-and-learn.html where moms share with each other their secret formulas to educate kids. This is about practicing spelling words.

Picked out some of the ones that are more relatable to the group who’s doing the Kinect! Kind of justifies your game and you can see how else you can improve it!

Writing & Fine Motor Practice

1. Play Dough Words – use play dough to form letters to spell out each word.

10.  Rainbow Words – spell words using different colored markers or crayons for each letter.

12. Trace – have fun and let kids trace their words on your back or palm. Have them focus on properly forming each letter so you can feel it being drawn.

15. Trace in the Air – watch as children trace the letters in the air to spell each word.

30. Hidden Spelling Words – on a white piece of paper let your child write out the spelling words using a white crayon. Once all words have been written use watercolors and paint to make hidden words appear.

37. Other Hand – if you are right handed write your words using your left hand, if you are left handed write words using your right hand.

Oral Practice

52. Sing – Use whatever song or beat you like but a simple B-I-N-G-O like song & some clapping works wonders especially on that first day of practicing words. It really helps kids begin to remember those words.

54. Partner Spell – take turns adding a letter to spell each word. For example, for the word FUN – child starts by saying the letter F, parents adds letter U and child then completes word by adding the letter N. This requires focus and listening and is a great exercise for elementary aged learners.

Gross Motor Practice

66. Jumpin’ Jack – do jumping jacks as you spell words – 1 jump per letter

Games and Online Fun

74. Spelling BINGO – Make or print a few blank BINGO cards to use with spelling practice. Kids love to play BINGO. Write spelling words in boxes and randomly call out (or use flashcards) words. Child should cover appropriate words when called. To make things extra challenging, write words spelled incorrectly in a few spaces as well so child has to discriminate between the correctly spelled words and the incorrect ones.